First Time at Jersey?
Here's a bit of info to make your first visit a little more comfortable.

Checking out a new church is a big deal.  We know it's a big decision and sometimes that first visit can be a little intimidating.  We want everyone to feel welcome at Jersey and your first visit to feel like you're here with people you have known your whole life.  You may have some questions like these.  You'll find our answers below and if you have a question we didn't answer, please contact us!

  • What are worship services like?
  • What about my kids?
  • Where do I park?
  • What do I wear?
  • How can I get connected?
  • Jersey is a church out in the country. Are you what I expect a little, country church to be?
Contact Us

What are worship services like?

Jersey has two distinct worship service styles. 

Our 8:30am worship service is a contemporary service that will incorporate contemporary worship songs, as well as the occasional traditional hymn, but revisioned in a modern style. This service is held in our Multipurpose Room (on the right side of campus as you're driving in) and is casual, so feel free to bring your coffee with you!

Our 11:00am worship service is a more traditional service where you'll join in singing hymns and typically hear our Adult Choir sing. This service is held in our Sanctuary (on the left side of campus as you drive in) and it's a little more formal.

The pastor preaches the same sermon in both services.  Pastor Paul's sermon style is laid back and seeks to help us understand the context of the Scripture, the Scripture itself, and how we can apply it to our lives.  He typically preaches in sermon series anywhere from 3-6 weeks long.

We share Communion several times throughout the year and invite anyone to participate as God leads them to.  In addition, several Sundays throughout the year we join together for one worship service on Sunday monrings.  When those times happen, we post the schedule change on our website, social media, and other information outlets to keep you informed.

What about my kids?

At Jersey, there is a place for everyone! For the youngest kids, birth-preschool, we have nursery care during both worship services and Sunday School. For elementary-aged kids, we have Children's Worship during our 8:30am service and age-graded classes during Sunday School (10:00am). Middle and high school students are part of the worship services at 8:30am and 11:00am and there is a youth class during Sunday School, too.

In addition to Sunday mornings, we have other children's and youth programming on Sunday and Wednesday evenings and special events throughout the year.  Check out the Children's Ministry and Youth Ministry pages to find out more!

Where do I park?

Parking is in the front of our buildings and is open to everyone.  If you're attending the 8:30am service, you may want to park closer to the right side of campus. If you're coming to the 11:00am service, try parking closer to the left side.

What do I wear?

First of all, come to church in whatever you're comfortable wearing. People attend either service at Jersey in anything from jeans to suits and dresses. But if you'd like a little more "guidance," the 8:30am service is typically a bit more casually dressed and the 11:00am is a little more "dressy."

How can I get connected?

We love this question! The best way to get connected is to reach out to either Pastor Paul or Family Minister Megan to start a conversation about where you might best plug in! If you're thinking of attending Jersey for the first time, we'd love for you to contact us to let us know to expect you so we can make your visit the best.  During worship services, there is a tear off portion in the bulletin called a Connection Card.  That's a great way to initiate the connection process.  Just fill it out and drop it in the offering plate during service or hand it to Pastor Paul on your way out.

Jersey is a church out in the country. Are you what I expect a little, country church to be?

You're probably expecting a little church that's super-conservative and the preacher preaches a sweaty, pound the pulpit, fire-and-brimstone sermon.  Jersey isn't your typical "little country church." Not to say there's anything wrong with anywhere else, but Jersey's a bit different.  You'll find a church that has people from all different walks of life, political leanings, ages, and places.  You'll find a sermon that is challenging, but also leaves you with the encouragement that "you can do it!" But you'll still find a country church where everyone feels like family and like many others have said...when you come to Jersey it just feels like home.